Author: admin
4 Important Technology Advancements in Pharmacy
Technology hasn’t stopped there. These four pharmacy advancements are diverse and cross-functional. Automated Dispensing Units/Cabinet An automated dispensing cabinet (ADC) is a computerized drug storage device or cabinet designed for hospitals. ADCs allow medications to be stored and dispensed near the point of care while controlling and tracking drug distribution. This allows for a reduction…
Cancer and Chronic Illness Presumptions in Workers’ Compensation
Cancer is known to affect 40% of the population at some point in their lifetime, with men facing a slightly higher risk than women, according to the National Cancer Institute. While many elements play into the development of cancer including age, lifestyle, diet, genetics and environment; one’s workplace can also be a factor in a cancer diagnosis.…
Introducing IWP’s Complex Care Program for Workers’ Comp Claims
Written by: Kellie Collier We believe personalized care is the key to recovery. IWP’s new Complex Care Program caters to injured workers who suffer from complex or catastrophic work injuries by providing a personalized, consultative pharmacy service. Through our Complex Care Program, injured workers dealing with the traumatic injuries or comorbidities can feel safe knowing that we have a…
Pharmacy Choice in Workers’ Compensation
Prescription care in workers’ compensation can be complex depending on one’s state of residence or where an injury occurred. The capability to choose one’s pharmacy provider varies significantly from state to state. This whitepaper explores the rules, limits, and procedures regarding an injured worker’s ability to select their pharmacy. While most states permit injured workers…